Tunnelblick Ubuntu

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I've been trying to make openvpn client work on ubuntu 20.04 but could not. This is the config I'm using on a mac, windows and my ubuntu machine: client dev tap0 proto tcp dev-node MY-VPN //only on windows remote my.server.ip 12974 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun ca ca.crt cert cert.crt key key.key cipher AES-128-CBC comp.

  • I've been trying to make openvpn client work on ubuntu 20.04 but could not. This is the config I'm using on a mac, windows and my ubuntu machine: client dev tap0 proto tcp dev-node MY-VPN //only on windows remote my.server.ip 12974 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun ca ca.crt cert cert.crt key key.key cipher AES-128-CBC comp.
  • OpenVPN provides flexible VPN solutions to secure your data communications, whether.

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Installing Tunnelblick
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Setting up Configurations
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On This Page
Setting Up and Installing Configurations
Converting OpenVPN Configurations to Tunnelblick VPN Configurations
Creating and Installing a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration
Modifying a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration
Files Contained in a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration
The 'Set Nameserver' Check Box and DNS & WINS Settings
The OpenVPN --user and --group options and openvpn-down-root.so

Stop if you have a 'Deployed' version of Tunnelblick. It comes already set up — you do no need to do anything more. Fashion designer sketch drawing. Just start using it and enjoy!

Stop if you have purchased VPN service from a VPN service provider. They should provide you with configuration files and instructions on how to use them with Tunnelblick.

Stop if you have VPN service from a corporate or other network provided by your employer. Your network manager or IT department should provide you with configuration files and instructions on how to use them with Tunnelblick.

Stop if want details about the structure of a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration, see '.tblk' Details.

Otherwise, continue!

Setting Up and Installing Configurations

First, install Tunnelblick and launch it so it is running.

It is not enough to install Tunnelblick: you also need to tell Tunnelblick how to connect to a VPN.

You tell Tunnelblick how to connect to a VPN with a configuration file.

If you already have configuration files you can install them by dragging and dropping them onto the Tunnelblick icon in the menu bar.

After installing your configurations, continue with 'Set Nameserver' Check Box and DNS & WINS Settings, below.

If you don't have configuration files or you want more information about them continue reading.

Tunnelblick can use two types of configuration files:

  • Tunnelblick VPN Configurations. A Tunnelblick VPN Configuration contains all of the information Tunnelblick needs to connect to one or more VPNs. A Tunnelblick VPN Configuration contains one or more OpenVPN configuration files, and may contain key, certificate, and script files. Everything needed is contained within the Tunnelblick VPN Configuration. Tunnelblick VPN Configurations may also contain other information, including information about default preferences for the configuration and identification and version information for the configuration itself that make managing widespread distribution easier. For details, see Tunnelblick VPN Configurations Details.

  • OpenVPN configuration files. These are plain text files with extensions of .ovpn or .conf. These files usually contain only the configuration information; keys and certificates may be held in separate files. When installed, they are converted to Tunnelblick VPN Configurations. For more information about setting up Tunnelblick using OpenVPN configuration files, see Configuring OpenVPN.

Converting OpenVPN Configurations to Tunnelblick VPN Configurations

You can drag and drop OpenVPN configurations onto the Tunnelblick icon in the menu bar and they will be installed as Tunnelblick VPN Configurations.

Creating and Installing a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration

To create a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration:

  1. Create a folder anywhere (on your Desktop works well);
  2. If you have only one OpenVPN configuration file, name the folder with the name you want the configuration known by in Tunnelblick. (Otherwise, each configuration will be known in Tunnelblick by the name of the OpenVPN configuration file that it is based on);
  3. Copy all the files related to the configuration(s) into the folder (see Files Contained in a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration, below);
  4. Add an extension of '.tblk' at the end of the folder name. When you do this the icon for the folder will change to an icon for a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration.
  5. Drag and drop the folder's new icon onto the Tunnelblick icon in the menu bar to install it.

When you install, you will be asked if you want each configuration to be private or shared. A private configuration may only be used when you are logged onto the computer. A shared configuration may be used by anyone who is logged into the computer. If the name you have given conflicts with the name of an existing installed configuration, you will be given the opportunity to change the name.

The process of installation will copy the .tblk to a special location on your computer (see File Locations) and make changes to it so it can be used securely. You can then delete the original .tblk you created, or move it somewhere convenient as a backup, or copy or move it to another computer and install it on that computer.

That's it! You are done. The configuration(s) will be available immediately in Tunnelblick.

Modifying a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration

You can modify a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration two ways:

  • If you want to change the contents of an installed OpenVPN configuration file that is installed as a Private configuration, you should select the configuration in Tunnelblick's VPN Details window, then click the 'gear' button at the bottom of the list and select 'Edit OpenVPN Configuration File..'. That will open the installed OpenVPN configuration file in TextEdit. Changes take effect as soon as the file is saved in TextEdit. Note that this does not modify your original .tblk; it modifies the installed copy only.

  • You can't change the contents of an installed OpenVPN configuration file that is installed as a Shared configuration. (You can convert it to be a Private configuration, edit it, and then change it back to be Shared.)

  • If you want to make other changes (to the key/certificate files, for example), you'll have to
  1. Modify your original .tblk to include the changes (rename it to not end in '.tblk', then make the changes, then rename it to end in '.tblk' again);
  2. Drag and drop the modified .tblk onto the Tunnelblick icon in the menu bar to install it.

Files Contained in a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration

The files that should be contained in a Tunnelblick VPN Configuration (the 'files related to the connection' above) should all be 'plain text' files:

  • One or more OpenVPN configuration files (.ovpn or .conf files).
  • Any certificate or key files for the configurations (.key, .crt, .pem, .cer, .der, .p12, .p7b, .p7c, and .pfx files); and
  • Any script files for the configurations. Script files must must have a .sh extension so that Tunnelblick can secure them and use them properly.

The 'Set Nameserver' Check Box and DNS & WINS Settings

If you are using DHCP, wish to use DNS and WINS servers at the far end of the tunnel when connected, and the VPN server you are connecting to 'pushes' DNS and WINS settings to your client, select 'Set nameserver'. (This is the situation for most users.)

If you are using DHCP, wish to use your original DNS and WINS servers when connected, and the VPN server you are connecting to does not 'push' DNS or WINS settings to your client, select 'Do not set nameserver'.

If you are using manual settings, different versions of macOS behave differently. This is due to a change in network behavior in Snow Leopard and is beyond the scope of this project to fix.

If you're using Leopard (OS X 10.5) or Tiger (OS X 10.4), then it is possible to use the VPN-server-supplied DNS and WINS settings in addition to your manual settings by selecting 'Set nameserver'. However, your manual settings will always take precedence over any VPN server-supplied settings. If 'Do not set nameserver' is selected, you will continue to use only your manually-configured settings and any VPN server-supplied settings will be ignored. 'Take precedence' means that the manual DNS server will be used for all DNS queries unless it fails to answer, in which case the VPN server-supplied DNS server will be used.

If you are using Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) or later, then your usual DNS and WINS settings will always be used, and no aggregation of configurations will be performed.

  • If you set your DNS servers manually, then regardless of the state of 'Set nameserver', your manual DNS servers, Search Domains, and WINS servers will always be the only ones used unless you set the configuration to 'Allow changes to manually-set network settings'.

  • Each of these settings is independent of the others: if 'Set nameserver' is selected, those settings not configured manually will be replaced by the settings obtained from the VPN server. If 'Do not set nameserver' is selected, then as with Leopard/Tiger, no DNS/WINS settings will be applied unless you set the configuration to 'Allow changes to manually-set network setttings'.

If your situation is not described above (e.g., if you use manual DNS settings and wish to use DNS servers at the far end of a tunnel when connected, or you wish to use the macOS ability to use different nameservers for different domains), you must create your own up/down scripts and select 'Set nameserver'.

The OpenVPN --user and --group options and openvpn-down-root.so

When using 'Set nameserver' or your own down script for OpenVPN, it is usually necessary to avoid using the OpenVPN 'user' and 'group' options in the configuration file. These options cause OpenVPN to drop root privileges and take the privileges of the specified user and group (usually, 'nobody'). If this is done, then the down script that handles restarting connections when there is a transient problem fails, because it is run without root privileges. OpenVPN usually fails, too, if your configuration performs any routing (most configurations do).

However, Tunnelblick includes the 'openvpn-down-root.so' plugin for OpenVPN. When this plugin is activated, OpenVPN still drops root privileges and runs as the specified user:group after a connection is made, but runs the down script run as root:wheel, so reconnecting after transient network problems can work if OpenVPN does not need to restore any routes.

When you connect with a configuration that includes the 'user' and/or 'group' options in the configuration file, Tunnelblick will ask if you wish to use the openvpn-down-root plugin. Answer 'yes' and Tunnelblick will use the plugin each time it makes a connection. OpenVPN will still be unable to make route changes after the initial connection; they have to be made in the your own customized scripts.

I wanted to use Steam’s in-home streaming feature outside of my home. It turns out that you can do this via VPN. OpenVPN is relatively simple to setup in TUN mode, but TAP mode is more complicated due to bridging.

It took gathering information from a few different sources (referenced at the end of this article) to produce an up-to-date tutorial for a TAP-based VPN configuration.



This is our basic network topology, or rather, the topology we hope to configure towards:

Router & DHCP Server
DHCP Range: to

VPN Server

IP: (DHCP Reservation)
VPN Clients IP Range: -

Server Setup

Install OpenVPN, bridge tools, and Easy-RSA

Configure Bridged Interface

Although you will see examples of bridge configurations with static addresses defined, this did not work for me. I would not be able to access the outside internet. I looked into the ubuntu wiki on bridging (see references) and discovered a configuration for a simple, dhcp based bridge. This worked best for me. Everything after bridge_ports is from a different TAP tutorial – I don’t know what they do!

The simplest way to check this is to reboot shutdown -r now and then test if the outside internet is still accessible ping google.com and to look at the output of ifconfig. Vernissage in english.

Configure OpenVPN

Tunnelblick Ubuntu

Extract the example VPN server configuration into /etc/openvpn.

Open the server config, e.g. vim /etc/openvpn/server.conf

Configure the following, yours may be different depending on your topology:

Create the scripts that will execute when the OpenVPN service starts and stops. These scripts add and remove the OpenVPN interface to the servers br0 interface.



Make these scripts executable

Generate the keys

Copy over the easy-rsa variables file and make the keys directory

Open up /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars and configure your defaults, e.g.

You must also set the KEY_NAME='server', the value is referenced by the openvpn config.

Generate the Diffie-Hellman parameters

Now move to the easy-rsa dir, source the variables, clean the working directory and build everything:

Make sure that you responded positively to the prompts, otherwise the defaults are no and the key creation will not complete.

Next, move the key files over to the openvpn directory

You’re ready to start the server

Tunnelblick Ubuntu 20.04


If the server is not running, look in /var/log/syslog for errors

Generate Certificates and Keys for Clients

So far we’ve installed and configured the OpenVPN server, created a Certificate Authority, and created the server’s own certificate and key. In this step, we use the server’s CA to generate certificates and keys for each client device which will be connecting to the VPN. These files will later be installed onto the client devices such as a laptop or smartphone.


To create separate authentication credentials for each device you intend to connect to the VPN, you should complete this step for each device, but change the name client1 below to something different such as client2 or iphone2. With separate credentials per device, they can later be deactivated at the server individually, if need be. The remaining examples in this tutorial will use client1 as our example client device’s name.

As we did with the server’s key, now we build one for our client1 example. You should still be working out of /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa.

Again you need to respond positively when presented with yes or no prompts. You should not enter a challenge password.

Tunnelblick Ubuntu Emulator

You can repeat this section again for each client, replacing client1 with the appropriate client name throughout.

The example client configuration file should be copied to the Easy-RSA key directory too. We’ll use it as a template which will be downloaded to client devices for editing. In the copy process, we are changing the name of the example file from client.conf to client.ovpn because the .ovpn file extension is what the clients will expect to use.

Edit the client profile to reflect your server’s IP address and configure it for tap. Also be sure to replace my-server-1 with your VPN server’s IP or domain name.

Soldat 2 for mac. /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/client.ovpn

Finally, you can transfer client1.crt, client1.key, client.ovpn, and ca.crt over to your client.

Create and download Tunnelblick Config (Mac only)

Now you can scp that over to your Mac, double-click to extract, and then double-click the .tblk file to allow Tunnelblick to install the profile.

It connects, I can ping the OpenVPN server’s LAN address, but no internet or other LAN addresses.

Are you running on VMWare VSphere or ESXi? If so you need to configure your switch in promiscuous mode.

It connects, I can ping LAN and internet addresses, but DNS isn’t working.

If you manually configure a DNS (e.g., does it work? Then you can configure your openvpn server to push DNS configuration to the clients.

Add a line like this to the openvpn server config:


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