I recently transitioned from Lastpass to 1Password. I found the lastpass app to be a buggy mess on Mac that didn’t always work and wouldn’t sync properly between devices at times. But for the price (free) I couldn’t complain. I find 1Password a lot smoother and haven’t had any issues syncing. 1Password can import your Sites and Secure Notes from LastPass. When you import from LastPass: Your LastPass sites will be converted into 1Password logins. Secure Notes become different items depending on their type, like Bank Account, Driver License, or Secure Note. Open 1Password and unlock the vault you want to export. Choose File Export. Choose a format: 1Password Interchange Format (.1pif) to move data to another copy of 1Password. Comma Delimited Text (.csv) to move Login items to a different app. Only Login items are exported in this format. Enter a filename and click Save.
How do I import passwords from other sources into LastPass?
If you are coming to LastPass from another password manager, you may already have spent a considerable amount of time storing your user names, passwords, and other data within that program or web browser. To assist with this transition, you have the ability to import your stored data seamlessly into LastPass.
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